Macedonia Day Seven

Friday, September 20

We can't believe that it's been a full week since we began our journey to Macedonia. This morning we began with praise and worship. Ron and Lisa expressed how encouraging it is to sing in their native tongue. They've been super encouraged this week and begin involved with our team devotions and testimonies. Today, Josh and Angie shared their testimonies with us. It's so encouraging to hear our team mates share how they were obedient to God's calling for the mission trip. That's a big part of a mission trip that most people forget. It's not always about what you will be doing but the obedience in going and getting out of your comfort zone and regular rhythms of life to serve the Lord.   We've all been reminded of that this week. Man makes plans but God determines the steps. What a difference would that be in our lives if we lived everyday like we were on a mission trip.
After our devotionals, we went over the details of the day and our prep work for the American party that will be happening tonight. Then our team had a chance to head over to the Albania side of Macedonia to Matka Canyon. Matka in Macedonia means "womb". The canyon is one of the most popular outdoor destinations and home to several medieval monasteries. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch and then hiked the canyon to the top.  Macedonia is so beautiful!
After our fun stop at Mitka, we headed back to the apartments and prepped for our American party. Morris had a chance to chat with our friend Igor and share the gospel and purchase some hot dogs from his burger stand for our party. Our team also baked cookies, brownies,  chopped veggies, made rice krispy treats along with potato chips, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. 
Then we headed out for our American Party at the Let's Talk building where we had been teaching English conversation classes all week. Oh what fun we had!  We played American music, danced, talked and ate. We have met so many wonderful people this week. Here's a few pictures of the faces and friends from our party. A little piece of us will be left in Macedonia tomorrow as we head for our fun day in Greece before we head back to Texas on Sunday. Enjoy & Cao!
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