Macedonia Day Two

Sunday, September 15
This morning we began the day with team testimonies. Jerdan shared his testimony and what the Lord has been teaching him. Each team member lead this during the week while we are in Macedonia. It's been a great time to get to know each person on the team and to be encouraged on what the Lord is doing in each of our lives.
After Team devo's we headed off to worship with our Macedonian brothers and sister in Christ. The Redell's have been in their church plant building for exactly one year.  We sang some familiar worship songs in Macedonian and then Morris Barrier led us in some scripture reading from Genesis 6-7 and Hebrews 11:6. He shared some encouraging words reminding all of us to continue the good fight in the faith just like Noah. God asked Noah to build an ark, this ark took a long time and this was something that Noah had no idea about and yet Noah obeyed. Noah had faith when he couldn't see the final results but Noah still obeyed. Afterwards, we shared in communion together and then we had a wonderful pancake breakfast together. What a joy it is to eat the bread and drink the cup as one body, the church.
After our brunch time, our team had language class. We learned some Macedonian phrases, their alphabet and a few songs and dances. It was super fun to learn and this helped us quite a bit especially as we will help the Redell's build connections through some events this week. Our teachers rewarded us with our hard work, by brewing some Turkish coffee. It was delicious and kept us nice and warm with the cold and rain today.
After our language class, we headed up to the famous Macedonian Millennium cross. We enjoyed the views from the gondolas as we headed up. From the top of the mountain, Ron shared the views from the mountain the surrounding regions that border-  North Macedonia - Kosovo, Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece. 
After our trip down the mountain, we headed to a wonderful Macedonian dinner consisting of chicken, lamb and lots of vegetables. Our team loved our first day together and can't wait to begin building connections and serving tomorrow.
dobra nok! 
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