Macedonia Day Three

Monday, September 16, 2024
Dobar den (Good Day) This morning our team began the day with Devotionals. Alexis led us today in Psalm 23 as she shared her testimony and all that the Lord is doing in her life.  Our team was refreshed and encouraged that Jesus is our Good Shepherd and He cares for us.
After our devotional time, we headed over to the English language center, Let's Talk and Ron shared the details on how our team would participate in a prayer walk around the neighborhood. It was a beautiful, sunny, cool day and so enjoyable walking around and seeing all the children in school and at the local park. We broke up into four teams and walked in different directions for an hour and prayed for the people of Macedonia. We specifically prayed that the Lord would soften hearts to the gospel and bring many ladies to our Monday night Mom's evening and many men and women to our English Conversation Classes. As we prayed, we looked for opportunities to pass out flyers to our events and converse with those who would let us
After the prayer walk, our team prepared for our ladies Mom's Night Out. This would be an event to bring some ladies from the neighborhood into the center with a guest speaker and our teams focus was to help build some connections for Ron and Lisa. We cleaned and prepared our game bags. Everyone pitched in to make the work go so much faster.
Then it was time for lunch. In Macedonian culture, lunch is the biggest meal of the day. Our team has really enjoyed the amazing food at all the local restaurants. Our apartments sits right above some wonderful cafes and bakeries. We love that they are all family owned. The people are so incredibly nice and ask to practice their English with us. We in turn ask if we can practice some of our Macedonia words- ha!
Later that evening the ladies headed over to the language center for our Mom event. We enjoyed a speaker session from a local pediatrician, a welcome game and finished the night with chocolate chip cookies, an American favorite that the Macedonians enjoyed for the first time. It was a wonderful evening making connections.
Overall, our team had an amazing day! We had been praying that the Lord would make connections for Ron and Lisa. The Lord did not disappoint, while we were at lunch, the local Skopje television station heard about their English event this week and will be interviewing them tomorrow morning on the local news. Please pray great favor upon this interview.
do sledniot pat
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1 Comment

Lana - September 17th, 2024 at 7:44am

Praying & Thanking God with you for answering our prayers for all of you & for all He brings in your path. May God continue to do a mighty work in and thru each of you as you speak His truths to the Macedonians. Praying Col. 4:2-6 for you in Jesus name.



