"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."   Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (ESV)

Equipping Parents, Cultivating Faith

Frisco Bible Parent Ministry is designed to empower and equip parents with the tools and resources needed to guide their children’s spiritual journey. On this page, you’ll find curated materials, insights, and support to help nurture and grow your child’s faith in alignment with biblical principles. Our goal is to partner with you in making faith a daily conversation and lifelong commitment.

Help Us Champion Parents!

We believe that parents play a crucial role in shaping the next generation. To better equip families, we're asking for your help! By taking a few minutes to complete this short questionnaire, you'll help us identify any gaps in our support and ensure that we provide the best resources and guidance possible. Your feedback is invaluable as we work together to equip families for success. Let’s partner together to strengthen our community and champion parents like you!

Habits of the Household

Sundays September 8 - November 24th | 10:15 am
Discover simple habits and easy-to-implement daily rhythms that will help you find meaning beyond the chaos of family life as you create a home where kids and parents alike practice how to love God and each other.
You want to parent with purpose-but don't know how to start?
• Join us on Sundays during 2nd hour
• September 8 - November 24 in the gym
• Gain the tools you need to create structure that free you to parent toddlers, kids, and teens with purpose
• Join other parents and gifted teachers to gain the tools in community

Resources for you

As parents,  who wholeheartedly want to teach our kids how to live gospel-centered lives, we don't always have it all figured out. We understand the difficulty of knowing what to do, what to say, and even how to do and how to say it. We also are aware of just how different the world is today. Here are some helpful resources to help you as you disciple your kids.

Meet Our Parent Ministry Team

Dave and Jennifer Byrd

Married: 35 years
Children: 4 adult sons; 3  DIL; with 1 Grandson and another on the way in January!

Summer Sipes (Staff oversight)

Married: 26 years
Children: 4 sons (2 adult, 1 college, 1 HS) 1 daughter (6) and one soon to be DIL !

Adam and Amy Powell

Married: 26 years
Children: 2 adult kids (college and married)
Why serve in Parent Ministry? 
"We are convinced God has called parents to raise their children to follow Christ, and we long to be part of a church community that supports and equips parents to fulfill that high calling."
Why serve in Parent Ministry? 
"This has been a desire for over a decade to see the church come alongside parents to equip and encourage them as they live out their God given stewardship of their kid.  So excited to see what God will do through this ministry devoted to biblical parenting!"
Why serve in Parent Ministry? 
"We are excited to guide fellow parents in raising children  who ultimately know who they are in Christ and how to live it out.  This ministry reinforces  how to keep God at the center of our heart and home as we engage with our adult children!"

Kyle and Riley Bennett

Married:  5 years
Children: Toddler, Preschooler and #3 coming fall '24

Evan and Amanda Beck

Married: 2 years
Children: 1st child , fall '24

Brett and Karen Young

Married: 17 years
Children:  2 sons, (9 and 13 ) 
Why serve in Parent Ministry? 
"The mission aligns with everything we are looking for as parents just starting out. We hope to raise confident Christian kids in an increasingly secular world, and want to partner with the parents of FBC to help them do the same."
Why serve in Parent Ministry? 
"We joined the Parent Ministry because we desire to see a larger percentage of families with a biblical worldview."

Why serve in Parent Ministry? 
"We've joined the parent ministry team to help support and encourage Frisco Bible as it seeks to equip parents with the necessary skills to lead their children to know and love Truth."