Mission for Macedonia
A team of five from Frisco Bible Church is headed to Macedonia next month to serve with our global missionaries, Ron and Lisa Redell in Skopje, the capital. The mission of Macedonia 2024 is to build connections within the local church through english classes so that seeds will grow and produce fruit and many will come to know Jesus as their Savior. The crazy thing about Macedonia is that it's specifically mentioned in Scripture. The apostle Paul is given a vision in Acts Chapter 16 of God calling him to Macedonia to preach the good news of Jesus. The amazing story of the Paul and Silas imprisioned and singing takes place in Macedonia along with the amazing conversion of the Philippi jailer and his family. The country is formerly known as the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia achieving independence in 1991. Yet most of the country remains darkened from the gospel from many years of socialism. It's this reality that has called each one of us to share the gospel of the good news of Jesus. As Romans 10:14-15 says "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of preace, and bring glad tidings of good things!"
Please pray for us as we begin our final preparations for our mission trip
Please pray for us as we begin our final preparations for our mission trip

Day 2 - Getting to Know Costa RicaWE ARRIVED....PURA VIDADay 3 - Cultural Experience, Church, and Final PreparationsDay 4 (Part 2) Service Project and Day CampDAY 4 (Part 1) – It's Monday...PreparationsDay 5 - Primed for MinistryDay 6 - Painting and GenesisDay 7 - Final Day at Hope PartnersDay 7 - Hope Partners Recap VideoDay 8 - La PlayaDay 9 - Volcano, Bible School, and Cultural Experience ExtravaganzaMeet Our Dubai Mission Team
FBC Uganda Mission Trip 2023 - Team and Prayer RequestsMeet our Dubai Mission TeamCommissioning and ArrivalDubai Teaching Day One- Thursday, April 13Uganda Team Commissioning & Final PreparationsDubai Teaching Day Two- Friday, April 14Dubai Teaching Days Three, Four and FiveDubai Teaching Days Six and SevenUganda Team is on their wayDubai Day EightUganda Team has arrived in UgandaSunday April 23Uganda 2023 Teaching Day OneUganda 2023 Teaching Day TwoUganda Teaching Day ThreeUganda Teaching Day FourUganda 2023 Teaching Day Five
NY Mission Trip Day OneNY Mission Day Two through Jessica's PerspectiveNY Mission Trip Day Three through Adam's PerspectiveNY Mission Trip Day Four through Sienna's PerspectiveNY Mission Trip Day Five through Seth's PerspectiveNY Mission Trip Day Six through Isabela's PerspectiveNY Mission Trip Day Seven
1 Comment
Praying for your team in Macedonia! Dave and Kathy Pearson in Colorado