Dubai Teaching Day Six
Dubai Teaching Day Six
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Well, it’s been a whole week since we began our journey. Our team is beginning to adjust better to the nine hour time difference. We are finding that we can stay up much later. We did enjoy an amazing walk to The Lagoon in the afternoon yesterday after our teaching and breakout time. Our team has dinner around 7:30PM each evening. We take this time to enjoy some fellowship with one another and debrief with each other on the day’s events as well as any topics that need to be addressed or revisited in preparation for the next day. Our brothers and sisters are educated in English but there can be some language differences as their English vocabulary is British English. We are grateful for our missionary Falak who can come in and do some Urdu translating for us as well as some of our Pakistani leaders. We are learning a lot too! After dinner we enjoyed an evening walk to the Hypermarket. Here’s some fun findings from our adventures. We are certainly not in Texas. We were advised to be vigilant.
Well, it’s been a whole week since we began our journey. Our team is beginning to adjust better to the nine hour time difference. We are finding that we can stay up much later. We did enjoy an amazing walk to The Lagoon in the afternoon yesterday after our teaching and breakout time. Our team has dinner around 7:30PM each evening. We take this time to enjoy some fellowship with one another and debrief with each other on the day’s events as well as any topics that need to be addressed or revisited in preparation for the next day. Our brothers and sisters are educated in English but there can be some language differences as their English vocabulary is British English. We are grateful for our missionary Falak who can come in and do some Urdu translating for us as well as some of our Pakistani leaders. We are learning a lot too! After dinner we enjoyed an evening walk to the Hypermarket. Here’s some fun findings from our adventures. We are certainly not in Texas. We were advised to be vigilant.

Some familiar sights from home- Starbucks and School Buses

Found true Mega Toilet Paper at the Hypermarket - it's really different in Dubai! We also found cold Coca-Cola! It's always really fun to experience stores in different countries.

We woke up around 3:00 AM to a large Dubai storm with sand, wind, hail and heavy rain. This storm reminded our FB team of the Texas Spring Storms (minus sand). The rain has continued off and on this morning.
Our FB team enjoyed a delicious breakfast. This staff at our conference center is amazing. Here is our friend, Khin who serves us each morning.
Our FB team enjoyed a delicious breakfast. This staff at our conference center is amazing. Here is our friend, Khin who serves us each morning.

After Breakfast, we headed back up to the conference center and began our day. What do we start with? You are right, Worship! We love worshipping the Lord in singing and Psalms. Today we worshipped with Psalm 121.
Psalm 121
“I will lift up my eyes to the mountains, from where shall my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is your keeper; The LORD is your shade on your right hand, the sun will not smite you my day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. The LORD will guard your going out and your coming in, from this time forth and forever.”
“I will lift up my eyes to the mountains, from where shall my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is your keeper; The LORD is your shade on your right hand, the sun will not smite you my day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. The LORD will guard your going out and your coming in, from this time forth and forever.”

The next few days, we will be studying the Book of Revelation. Martin led the first lesson of the day as we began to study the Book of Revelation. Martin shared from Scripture some of the Pre Tribulation events. We reviewed what we have learned from our previous lessons, and we were reminded to look at prophecy as detectives. We know for certain that Jesus is coming back. The details in Revelation are given to remind us of the magnitude of eternity and that Jesus is coming - Just Be Ready for Jesus! Our leaders were united that this really needs to be our focus as we study the next few days.

Tea time break was next after Martin's lesson. We enjoyed snacks with tea and coffee. We are so enjoying our time in fellowship with our friends.

After Tea Time, AJ taught a lesson on Revelation about the First Half of the Tribulation discussing God's Throne Room, the Breaking of the Seven Seals, the Seven Trumpets and the Two Witnesses.

We took a short singing break and sang as a reminder "Behold, Jesus is Coming!"
After AJ's lesson, Jeremy came and shared from Revelation the events from the Middle of the Tribulation-The Woman and the Dragon, the AntiChrist, the False Prophet and the Mark and Number of the Beast

After Jeremy's lesson, it was lunch time. Here's some lunch time fun photos.

We love to play our game, how many pastors and leaders can we fit into the elevator?
After lunch, AJ taught a final group lesson on Revelation for today, the last Half of the Tribulation. We discussed the Seven Bowls of Wrath, Babylon, the Judgement of the Harlot and the Celebration in Heaven.

We had a chance to hear from Gabby. He is Hunook's video and photo historian at the Leadership Conference. We would love to share his testimony, "I want to use what I am learning, first for myself and then I want to share with others. I love to share God's Word through my art and graphic design. I was asked to come to the Leadership Conference so I can use my gifting to serve the Lord and help others".

After AJ's lesson, we had breakout sessions for the men and women. This allows our FB Women to meet separately with the ladies and talk through Scriptures together as sisters in Christ.
We’d love to take this time to share a little more about our lady leaders. The women shared during our breakout sessions their favorite Psalm. We’d love to share these with you. What is your favorite Psalm? Where do you turn in the Scriptures for comfort, safety, and security? We pray that these are encouraging, and a great reminder that even across the world, God’s Word connects us together.
Chris' favorite is Psalm 51 and Revelation Chapter 1-5 as she is planning to start Hunook Bible College.

Huma's favorite Psalms are 103 and 121.

Emma's favorite Psalm is 91.

Naghmana's favorite Psalm is 91.

Hina's favorite Psalm is 23.

Noveen's favorite Psalm is 91 and 23.

AJ's Jam Session. If you know him then you don't even need to ask

Well, this was another amazing day. We praise God for His provision and this beautiful sun set on the day that He has made. On a day when it started with lots of rain, it is great to see the blue sky and sun shining to dry out the streets. Our team can't wait to see what the Lord will bring tomorrow. Good Night to you all. We hope you have an amazing Thursday.
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